Ascent Charts

Ascent Sector and System Data

Apollo sector is the center and starting point. It is Sector 0,0,0. You move away from Apollo in three directions(coordinates), forward & backward(X), up and down(Y), and left & right(Z). Each sector is 10 light years (ly) across in each of the three spacial directions.

There are 26 sectors touching Apollo in the first "ring" known as Ring 1. These are identified by any sector coordinates that are -1, 0, or 1 in all three coordinates.

The next(second) ring of sectors will contain at least one 2 in any of the three coordinates. There are 98 Sectors fitting this criteria and titled Ring 2.

The third ring contains sectors with at least one 3 in one of the coordinates. There are 218 sectors which fit this criteria and named Ring 3.


That allows 343 sectors in just these three rings. We are working to make as much data as possible be available for these sectors.

If each sector has an average of 10 systems, that is 3430 systems. If each system has an average of 10 planets or moons, that is 34,300 objects to be logged.

Select the Sector coordinates to display the systems in this database that are in that sector.

System Asteroid Field System Data
Janus A
Sol Invictus
Veritas *
Vulcan *